Rabu, 28 November 2012

How to Hack your friends computer using Cybergate !!!

Posted by Unknown 07.21, under , | No comments

  1. Download the Software Cybergate .
  2. Install Cybergate.
  3. After Installation it will ask you for the Password.
Default Password: cybergate

[Image: 1.JPG]

4) Once you have put the password, Click on Login.
     You will get the message
     CyberGate Station is now unlocked and fully functional.
5) After that Click on control Center ==>Start
[Image: 2.JPG]
It will Ask you for the Port Number. You can assign any Port number from 0 to 65535.But                   remember don't assign well known Ports like 80,21 etc..
6) Once You have Assign the Port Number ,Go to Control Center ==>Builder==>Create Server 
[Image: 3.JPG]
After that Add the New User==>>Ok==>>Then Double Click on the User you have Add
[Image: 4.JPG]
7)Now Click on Add.
[Image: 5.JPG]
After that you will need to add your IP Addresswith the Port number you have add before.
To get You IP address go to Run==>cmd==>>ipconfig 
8)Once you have Added the IP address and Port number go to Installation Tab . 
[Image: 6.JPG]
Here you will get Different Option.
=>Installation Directory :
Now Select any one option. where you want to infect your trojan in your Friends computer .
Select Registry option also .
Always Select the Random keys for Active Setup and Mutex.
=> Inject Into:
Mostly Select the Default Browser.
9) Now go to Message Tab:
[Image: 7.JPG]
You can display any message on your Friends computer , when he opens your File..
10) Now go to Keylogger Tab:
[Image: 8.JPG]
It will give you all the Keystrokes of your Friends computer.
11) Now Directly Create Server: 
Click on Create Server and Save you File ..
After that just give this file to your Friend and when he click on that File you will get the access of his system.
You can download his files at your End.If the Person is having the Webcam you can access it..That's you are Having the Total Control of his System..
Note: You will maintain the Access till you have the same IP assign to your Computer..

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Tutorial DDos Website with LOIC and HOIC

Posted by Unknown 07.50, under | No comments

Tutorial DDOS Attack using LOIC, by Anonymous stece , Expect US.
Video Tutorial. Download LOIC and Download HOIC + Tutorial
  • Tutorial 1 LOIC

  • Jika masih kurang jelas ihat Tutorial ke2 LOIC


Minggu, 25 November 2012

DDOS Attack Tools

Posted by Unknown 06.08, under ,, | 3 comments

DDOS Attack Tools 

Kumpulan DDos Online DARI OP Lolokaust:

Tools :
XerXes STRONG DDoSser :





TOOL PACK: any password requests: 123123

Ddos tools -| LOIC |- download from here :



FireFlood, Download :

Anonymous DoSer, Download :

Online HOIC (Change threads to 1,000 and enter URL)

[ Denial-of-service attack & Deface Programs ]

[ Cyber Ghost VPN Program ]

[ Free Emails To Use VPN ]

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Deface Art

Posted by Unknown 05.59, under , | 1 comment

Stece One Anonymous Operation

Posted by Unknown 05.33, under ,, | No comments

We Are Stece One Anonymous..!

Stece One Anonymous merupakan Organisasi underground dan Organisasi Cyber, dalam kata lain kami menganonimkan setiap member dan kami menyerang/melindungi suatu target sebagian besar dengan menggunakan jejaring komputer .
Operasi / Misi pertama kami adalah STECE ONE UNDERGROUND ATTACK .Kami menuntut di perbaikinya SDA Guru yang sudah jauh menurun dari tahun ke tahun. Kami akan melakukan DDOS Attack dan Hijacking database. Target kami adalah http://smpstelladuce1-yog.sch.id/ dan IP Targetnya .DDoS attack adalah Distributed-Denial-of-Service attack, sebuah usaha untuk membuat suatu sumber daya komputer menjadi tidak bisa dipakai oleh user-nya, dengan menggunakan ribuan zombie system yang ‘menyerang’ secara bersamaan. Tujuannya negatif, yakni agar sebuah website atau layanan online tidak bisa bekerja dengan efisien atau bahkan mati sama sekali, untuk sementara waktu atau selama-lamanya. DDoS attack adalah salah satu model dari DoS ( denial-of-service) attack. Dan Hijacking Database adalah mengambil database yang ada dari website target tersebut.
Operasi/Misi ini akan di lakukan pada tanggal 21 Desember 2012.

Official Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Anonymous-Stece/498305413534245
Official Twitter       : https://twitter.com/AnonymousStece